Слободан Лучезарный - Old salt prayer - Молитва морского волка

I’ve seen the seaman’s life around,
So, when I step on solid ground,
Where I’ve forgot how life self goes,
Who rules this world and how grass grows,
I have a feeling of distortion
Of everything to smallest portion,
And breeze that blows humans’ faces
Out to the ugliest grimaces
Again remind me days and nights
That being spent away from lights,
The cities’ smogs and women’s laces,
Were fulfilled with the Ocean races,
Night watches, squalls, and pitch, and roll –
To name a few to damn’em all!
The sunsets miles away from home
And countries hardly ever known
To those wasting lives ashore,
The highest tides and cheapest whores,
The destined ups-n-downs after
I only heard the Fortune’s laughter,
When everything that I could make,
Was my face’s smiling poor fake!
I do remember ships-n-captains,
The seamen’s dreams of life like sultan’s,
Drake’s Passage monster waves and waters,
Chinese typhoons and bloodshed slaughters,
The taste of salt upon my lips,
The Lord God’s mercy giving tips,
Sea spirit, zest and playful mood
That raise up right in neighborhood,
Yet frequent kicks and rare smiles,
Else shipborne deaths, officials’ files,
And - to complete this shortest list –
Dead leeward leak and starboard mist!


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